26-28 марта 2025 г.  |  ЦВК «Экспоцентр»

Новости выставки

Товары для уборки. Новинки и премьеры HouseHold Expo-2019

Glasar (hall 9, booth №R301)

DARIIS-AKCAM (hall 9, booth №S302)

Chisty Domik (hall 10, booth №H701)

SIMAOPT (hall 11, booth №D801)

Vostochny Put (hall 11, booth №C1202)

Daniks (hall 11, booth №D902)

LaCeramiche (hall 11, booth №F601)

Isfahan Glass (hall 9, booth №S203)

Wilmax (hall 11, booth №C201)

Pasabahce (hall 9, booth №P101)

Bytplast (hall 10, booth №H401)

ENS (hall 9, booth №N601)


The following companies will offer special terms for signing an agreement at their booths:

ENS (hall 9, booth №N601) 10%

LaCeramiche (hall 11, booth №F601) 7%

Glasar (hall 9, booth №R301) 5%


All discounts for buyers at the booths of participating companies

All premieres and novelties of the exhibitions

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September 10-12, 2019, Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC, pavilion 2, halls 9, 10 and 11

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